Pratyush Srivastava, Katherine Jiang, Yinan Cui, Edgar Olivera, Nasr Ghoniem, Vijay Gupta
The influence of nano / micro sample size on the strain-rate sensitivity of plastic flow in tungsten
International Journal of Plasticity
Marta Pozuelo, Joseph Lefebvre, Pratyush Srivastava, Vijay Gupta
Stishovite formation at very low pressures in soda-lime glass
Scripta Materialia
Yinan Cui, Giacomo Po, Pratyush Srivastava, Katherine Jiang, Vijay Gupta, Nasr Ghoniem
The role of slow screw dislocations in controlling fast strain avalanche dynamics in body-centered cubic metals
International Journal of Plasticity
B.J. Ramirez, V. Gupta
Evaluation of novel temperature-stable viscoelastic polyurea foams as helmet liner materials
B.J. Ramirez, V. Gupta
Energy Absorption and Low Velocity Impact Response of Open-Cell Polyurea Foams
Journal of Dynamic Behavior of Materials
B.J. Ramirez, V. Gupta
High tear strength polyurea foams with low compression set and shrinkage properties at elevated temperatures
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences
Masoud Sarraf, Bushroa Abdul Razak, Ryan Crum, Carlos Gamez, Brian Ramirez, Noor Hayaty Binti Abu Kasim,
Bahman Nasiri-Tabrizi, Vijay Gupta, Nazatul Liana Sukiman, Wan Jefrey Basirun
Adhesion measurement of highly-ordered TiO2 nanotubes on Ti-6Al-4V alloy
Ramirez, B.J., Kingstedt, O.T., Crum, R., Gamez, C., and Gupta, V.
Tailoring the rate-sensitivity of low density polyurea foams through cell wall aperture size
Journal of Applied Physics, (2017)
Rafieerad, A.R., Bushroa, A.R., Nasiri-Tabrizi, B., Crum, R., Gamez, C., Vadivelu, J., and Gupta, V.
Vertically oriented ZrO2_TiO2_Nb2O5_Al2O3 mixed nanopatterned bioceramics on Ti6Al7Nb implant assessed by laser spallation technique
J. Alloys and Compounds, (2017)
V. Gupta, N.M. Ghoniem, R. Crum , G. Po, D. Seif, S.V. Prikhodko, H.A. Colorado, B. Ramirez and C. Gamez
Microstructure Evolution in Metal Nanostructures under Extreme Conditions of Temperature and Strain Rate
Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy, (2016)
D. Seif, G. Po, R. Crum, V. Gupta, N. Ghoniem
Shock-induced plasticity and the Hugoniot elastic limit in copper nano films and rods
Journal of Applied Physics, (2014)
G. Youssef and V. Gupta
Resonance in Polyurea-Based Multilayer Structures Subjected to Laser-Generated Stress Waves
Experimental Mechanics, (2014)
G. Youssef and V. Gupta
Orientation-Dependent Impact Behavior of Polymer/EVA Bilayer Specimens at Long Wavelengths
Experimental Mechanics, (2014)
G. Youssef, R. Crum, S.V. Prikhodko, D. Seif, G. Po, N. Ghoniem, S. Kodambaka, and V. Gupta
The influence of laser-induced nanosecond rise-time stress waves on the microstucture and surface chemical activity of single crystal Cu nanopillars
Journal of Applied Physics, (2013)
H.A. Colorado, A. Navarro, S.V. Prikhodko, J.M. Yang, N. Ghoniem, and V. Gupta
Ultrahigh strain-rate bending of copper nanopillars with laser-generated shock waves
Journal of Applied Physics, (2013)
A. Jain, V. Gupta
Dynamic Tensile Strength of polyurea bonded steel/e-glass composite joints
J. of Adhesion Sci. & Tech, (2013)
J. Tian, H. Kim, V. Gupta
Measurement of Solder Joint Strength in Freestanding CSP Packages Using a Quantitative Laser Spallation Technique
J. of Adhesion Sci. & Tech, (2013)
H. Kim, J. Tian, V. Gupta
In-Situ Measurement of Solder Joint Strength in Board-mounted CSP Packages Using a Quantitative Laser Spallation Technique
J. of Adhesion Sci. & Tech, (2013)
Youssef, G., Gupta, V.
Measurement of Intrinsic Tensile Strength of Polyurea
J. Materials Science, (2013)
Youssef, G., Gupta, V.
Dynamic Response of Polyurea Subjected to Nanosecond Rise-Time Stress Waves
Mech. Time-Depend. Mater, (2012)
Youssef, G., Gupta, V.
Dynamic Tensile Strength of Polyurea
Journal of Materials Research, (2012)
A. Jain, G. Youssef, and V. Gupta
Dynamic tensile strength of polyurea-bonded steel/E-glass composite joints
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, (2012)
G. Youssef, C. Moulet, M. Goorsky,V. Gupta
Inter-wafer Bonding Strength Characterization by Laser-Induced shock waves
Journal of Applied Physics, (2012)
H. Kim, J. Citron, G. Youssef, A. Navarro, and V. Gupta
Dynamic Fracture Energy of Polyurea-Bonded Steel/E-glass Composite Joints
Mechanics of Materials, (2012)
A. Jain, V. Gupta
Construction and characterization of stainless steel/polyurea/e-glass composite joints
J. Mechanics of Materials,, (2012)
Hitoshi Akamatsu, Manabu Satou, Takashi Sato, Amit Jain, Vijay Gupta, Akira Hasegawa
Evaluation of bonding strength between yttria and vanadium alloys for development of self-cooled liquid blanket
J. Nuclear Materials, (2011)
Xu Chen, Bradley L. Kirsch, Robert Senter, Sarah H. Tolbert, Vijay Gupta
Tensile testing of thin films supported on compliant substrates
Mechanics of Materials, (2009)
X. Chen, V. Gupta and J. Tian
Mechanism-based failure laws for biaxially compressed IM7/8551-7 graphite/epoxy laminates
Journal of Composite Materials, (2006)
X. Wang, V. Gupta and S. N. Basu
Effects of substrate orientation and metal film thickness on the intrinsic strength, intrinsic fracture energy, and total fracture energy of Tantalum-Sapphire interfaces
Journal of the American Ceramics Society, (2006)
X. Wang and V. Gupta
Measurement of the intrinsic and total fracture energies, and intrinsic strength of stainless steel/E-glass composite joints
Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, (2006)
B. L. Kirsch; X. Chen; E. K. Richman; V. Gupta; S. H. Tolbert
Probing the Effects of Nanoscale architecture on the mechanical properties of hexagonal Silica/Polymer composite thin films
Adv. Func. Mater., (2005)
X. Wang and V. Gupta
Construction and characterization of chemically-joined stainless steel/E-glass composite sections
Mechanics of Materials, (2005)
D. Potter, V. Gupta, X. Chen and J. Tian
Mechanisms-based failure laws for graphite-epoxy Laminates under in-plane biaxial compression
Composites Science and Technology, (2005)
A. Jain, V. Gupta and S.N. Basu
A quantitative study of moisture adsorption in polyimide and its effect on the strength of the Polyimide/Silicon-Nitride interface
Acta Materialia, (2005)
A. Kobayashi, A. Jain, V. Gupta, and V. Kireev
Study of the interface strength of zirconia coatings by a laser spallation technique
Vacuum, (2004)
V. Gupta, R. Snow, M.C. Wu, A. Jain, and J.C. Tsai
Recovery of stiction-failed MEMS structures using laser-induced stress waves
J. of Microelectromechanical Systems, (2003)
V. Gupta, V. Kireev, H. Yoshida, and H. Akahoshi
Glass-modified stress waves for adhesion measurement of ultra thin films for device applications
J. Mechanics and Physics of Solids, (2003)
H. Wu, S.N. Basu, V. Kireev, and V. Gupta
The Effect of structure and chemistry on the strength of FeCrAl(Y)/Sapphire interfaces: I, structure of interfaces
Materials Science and Engineering A, (2003)
H. Wu, S.N. Basu, V. Kireev, and V. Gupta
The Effect of structure and chemistry on the strength of FeCrAl(Y)/Sapphire interfaces: II, strength of interfaces
Materials Science and Engineering A, (2003)
V. Gupta, V. Kireev, S.N. Basu, and H. Wu
In-Situ Intrinsic Interface Strength Strength Measurement at Elevated Temperatures and its Relationshihp to Interfacial Structure.
Interface Science, (2002)
V. Gupta, B. Posner
Trauma to Long Thoracic Nerve and Associated Scapula Winging in a Low-Velocity Rear End Automobile collision: Case Report
Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids, (2002)
V. Gupta, V. Kireev, H. Yoshida, and H. Akahoshi
Glass-Modified Stress Waves for Adhesion Measurement of Ultra Thin Films for Device Applications.
J. Mechanics and Physics of Solids, (2002)
K. Kuwahara, H.B. Gladstone, V. Gupta, V. Kireev, V. Neel, and R.L. Moy
Rupture of Fat Cells Using Laser-Generated Ultra Short Stress Waves
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, (2002)
H. Wu, S.N. Basu, V. Kireev, and V. Gupta.
The Effect of Structure and Chemistry on the Strength of FeCrAl(Y)/Sapphire Interfaces: II, Strength of Interfaces.
Materials Science and Engineering A, (2002)
H. Wu, S.N. Basu, V. Kireev, and V. Gupta.
The Effect of Structure and Chemistry on the Strength of FeCrAl(Y)/Sapphire Interfaces: I, Structure of Interfaces
Materials Science and Engineering A, (2002)
V. Gupta and J. Bergstrom
A Progressive Damage Model for Failure by Shear Faulting in Polycrystalline Ice UnderBiaxial Compression
International Journal of Plasticity, (2002)
B. Somlo and V. Gupta
A hydrophobic self assembled monolayer with improved adhesion to aluminum for deicing applications
Mechanics of Materials, (2001)
V. Gupta, R. Hernandez, and P. Charconnet
Effect of Humidity and Temperature on the Tensile Strength of Polyimide/Silicon Nitride Interface and its Implications for Electronic Device Reliability
J. Materials Science and Engineering A, (2001)
Effects of specimen size and sample aspect ratio on the compressive strength of graphite/epoxy laminates
Composites Science and Technology, (2000)
D. Potter, V. Gupta, S. Hauert
Effect of specimen size and sample aspect ratio on the elastic stiffness of graphite/epoxy laminates
Composites Science and Technology, (2000)
J. Wu and V. Gupta
Observations of limiting transonic interface crack speeds
Mechanics and Physics of Solids, (2000)
V. Gupta, R. Hernandez, J. Wu and P. Charconnet
Interfacial adhesion and its degradation in selected metal/oxide and dielectric/oxide interfaces in multi-layer devices
Vacuum, (2000)
V. Gupta, M. O'Brien and A.N. Pronin
Measurement of interface tensile strength at elevated temperatures
Journal de Physics IV France, (1999)
V. Gupta and P. Archer
Measurement of grain-boundary tensile strength in columnar freshwater ice
Philosophical Magazine Letters, (1999)