MAE 101. Statics and Strength of Materials
Units: 4
(Formerly numbered 96.) Lecture, four hours; discussion, two hours; outside study, six hours. Requisites: Mathematics 31A, 31B, Physics 1A. Review of vector representation of forces, resultant force and moment, equilibrium of concurrent and nonconcurrent forces. Area moments and products of inertia. Support reactions, free-body diagrams. Forces in simple models of mechanical and aerospace structures. Internal forces in beams, shear and moment diagrams. Stress and strain components in solids, equilibrium equations, Hooke's law for isotropic solids. Bending and shear stresses in beams. Deflection of symmetric beams and indeterminate problems. Stresses in thin-walled pressure vessels and in circular cylinders under torsion. Letter grading.
CM 140/240. Introduction to Biomechanics
Units: 4
(Same as Bioengineering CM140/240.) Lecture, four hours; discussion, two hours; outside study, six hours. Requisites: courses 101, 102, and 156A or 166A. Introduction to mechanical functions of human body; skeletal adaptations to optimize load transfer, mobility, and function. Dynamics and kinematics. Fluid mechanics applications. Heat and mass transfer. Power generation. Laboratory simulations and tests. Letter grading.
Injury Biomechanics: Injuries to head, cervical and lumbar spine areas, occupant motion and injuries in automobile crashes, trip and fall injuries, sports injuries, and failure of devices. Terminology used in the medical field, Biological tissues (muscle, ligaments, bones), their structure and constitutive laws. Viscoelasticity. Biomechanics of Human Lower Extremity-Hip, Knee and Ankle Joints. Design of Hip and Knee Implants. Biomechanical analyses of specific injuries. Gait Analysis.
MAE 256F. Analytical Fracture Mechanics
Units: 4
Lecture, four hours; outside study, eight hours. Requisite: course M256A. Review of modern fracture mechanics, elementary stress analyses; analytical and numerical methods for calculation of crack tip stress intensity factors; engineering applications in stiffened structures, pressure vessels, plates, and shells. Letter grading.